People Activities
- 1905 – 1914
- 1937
- 1932
- 1947
- 1937
- 1932
- 1932
- 1937
- 1937
- 1947
- 1947 – 1937
- 1946Ibrahim Khalil Shehadi (b. Zahleh, 1895) | Dentist - Work as dentist (Published a number of articles on dentistry and politics) Edit
- 1947
- 1932
- 1947
- 1937
- 1947
People born here
- Salim Hanna Farah Maʻluf (b. 1853) | Doctor
- Amin Abu Khatir | Doctor
- Wadiʿ Iskandar Haddad (b. 1887) | Doctor
- Amin Faraj Hraïz (b. 1900) | Pharmacist
- Najib Khalil Scaff (b. 1887) | Doctor
- Najib Yusuf Abu Sulayman (b. 1898) | Doctor
- Naʿim ʿAzzar (b. 1892) | Doctor
- Wadiʿ Salim Bardawil (b. 1888) | Doctor
- Michel Braidi (b. 1877) | Doctor
- Rashid N. Braidi (b. 1892) | Doctor
- Michel Jiha (b. 1882) | Doctor
- Yusuf ‘Isa ‘Ubayd (b. 1892) | Doctor
- Yusuf Abu Sulayman (b. 1863) | Doctor
- Salim Yusuf Abu Sulayman (b. 1898) | Pharmacist
- ʿAbd al-Massih Mussawwir | Doctor
- Asʿad Fahd Maʿluf | Pharmacist
- Farah Najib (b. 1894) | Doctor
- Bisharah Asʿad Mutran (b. 1894) | Doctor
- Iskandar Zayn | Doctor
- Azizi Shehadi (b. 1882) | Doctor
- Bishara Hraiz (b. 1904) | Dentist
- Najib Nakad (b. 1885) | Pharmacist
- Sarkis Jacob Karayan (b. 1928) | Doctor
- Robert Misak Matossian (b. 1926) | Doctor
- Ibrahim Khalil Shehadi (b. 1895) | Dentist
- Michel Jrayssati (b. 1900) | Doctor
- Nadra Zalaquett (b. 1905) | Doctor
- Julia Khalil Murhij (b. 1913) | Nurse
- Salim ʿAbbud (b. 1892) | Doctor
- Jean Nakhle Moacdie (b. 1923) | Doctor
People died here
- Salim Hanna Farah Maʻluf (b. 1853) | Doctor
- Mikhaʾil Mussalim | Doctor
- Yusuf Abu Sulayman (b. 1863) | Doctor